This page displays a table with Iraq Exports By Country in U.S. dollars, according to the United Nations COMTRADE database on international trade.

Iraq Exports By Country Value Year
Singapore $79.29M 2016
United Arab Emirates $5.24M 2016
Italy $3.52M 2016
Lebanon $1.41M 2016
Iran $333.53K 2016
Egypt $200K 2016
Jordan $126K 2016
Sweden $83.27K 2016
Germany $30K 2016
Russia $14K 2016
Turkey $7.7K 2016
Syria $6.85M 2015
Morocco $119.72K 2015
United Kingdom $11.24K 2015
Libya $229.75K 2014
Algeria $180.25K 2014
Belgium $60K 2014
France $58.1K 2014
India $15K 2013
Saudi Arabia $17.3M 2012
Djibouti $94.15K 2012
Spain $54.63K 2012
United States $32.73K 2012
Canada $20.54K 2012
Czech Republic $13.5K 2012
Ukraine $8.84K 2012
Qatar $200K 2011
Venezuela $7.33K 2011
China $84K 2010
Sudan $75K 2010
South Korea $57.6K 2010
Poland $7.75K 2010
Switzerland $1.65K 2010

Irak Handel Letzte Zuletzt Höchste Unterste Einheit
Handelsbilanzsaldo 8036.50 11272.10 44053.60 -3492.00 USD Million [+]
Leistungsbilanzsaldo 4376.40 9530.10 32344.00 -15410.00 USD Million [+]
Leistungsbilanzsaldo (% BIP) -1.90 4.50 15.40 -24.00 Prozent Des Bip [+]
Importe 18452.40 14700.80 50155.00 2681.90 USD Million [+]
Exporte 26488.90 25972.90 94209.00 1720.40 USD Million [+]
Goldreserven 152.72 151.60 152.72 0.00 Tonnen [+]
Erdölförderung 3687.00 3689.00 4830.00 0.00 BBL/D/1K [+]
Ölexporte 25868.10 25279.40 93778.50 6801.00 USD Million [+]
Terrorismus Index 7.08 8.14 10.00 4.09 Punkte [+]